Jaspersoft 5.1 features
- Improved Language Support with the web user interface now available in Brazilian Portuguese.
- New Pro Maps, Charts, and Widgets functionality - These elements can now be rendered as HTML5, allowing you to view Fusion content rendered as HTML5. The charts, maps, and widgets are greatly improved, and provide a better visual experience.
- Improved Chart Export - The chart rendering export engine has been re-written to eliminate issues with Flash objects not showing properly in export formats such as PDF. Exported charts are created as images during export, which provides visual consistency when viewing charts on various devices.
Note that Jaspersoft sometimes recommends using PhantomJS as the report renderer, which can improve output or performance in some circumstances. For more information, see the JasperReports Server Administrator Guide. - Ad Hoc Chart Formatting - The Ad Hoc Editor now provides basic chart formatting options to help you make your charts more readable, such as x-axis label rotation and axis label intervals. Note that the new default label rotation angle is 45 degrees for the innermost group's labels.
- Ad Hoc Support for OLAP Multiple Hierarchies - The Ad Hoc Editor now exposes all hierarchies defined in an OLAP cube's dimensions. Users can select levels from any one hierarchy in a dimension.
- Improved Single Sign-on (SSO) Support - A new customizable bean API leverages the Spring Security framework to simplify the creation and configuration of external authentication for JasperReports Server. To configure this new API, create a custom applicationContext file and place it in the WEB-INF directory. Sample files for LDAP and CAS are included in the standard distribution.
- Improved REST web services - Jaspersoft continues to expand and improve the functionality of the REST web services. This API allows client applications to interact with most features of the server over HTTP using standard XML and JSON objects.
- Improved Support for JDBC Data Sources - Jaspersoft has made the server's JDBC data sources easier to manage. In particular, users can add new drivers through the web UI. JasperReports Server also now supports Amazon AWS and Redshift data sources.
- Diagnostics - For Jaspersoft users who use Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Redshift data sources, new diagnostic settings are available to the administrator from the Manage > Server Setting menu.
- Installation Improvements - The guided installer now supports an improved user experience, including:
- Express and Custom Install options. The Express option lets you perform a full component install with a single click.
- Disk space checks and display of required space for a full installation.
- Smaller installation footprint. The installer no longer includes iReport; please install this desktop client tool separately.
- Upgrade Improvements - The upgrade process (from one version of the server to another) which uses the command line/WAR file, has been improved to provide:
- More warnings and information on required backups before proceeding.
- A log file that contains an inventory of all new files, modified files, and removed files that will be managed as part of the install process.
- For Tomcat users, a facility to copy the prior installation to a backup directory and rollback changes if any issues occur during installation and startup of the overlay installation.
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