Simple Transformation from a csv to Excel Output

Lets start with a basic transformation to convert your comma seperated values file input to excel output

Step 1:
Launch kettle 4.1

Step 2:
select file>new>transformation

Step 3:
drag input>csv input & output>csv output on the workspace

Step 4:
Arrange them one after another & create a hop/connection between them
by holding the shift key & dragging the arrow from center of csv input step to excel output step

Step 5:
double click the csv input step & configure as shown in the figure above.
Choose the filenae location & select get fields button to auto retrieve fields.

Step 6:
double click the excel output step & give the desired path location of the new excel file which is to be created,
click the fields tab & select the get fields button to retrieve all the fields currently present in the stream.

Step 7:
Click the run button above the workspace else Select --> Action>Run from the menu. Your file is automatically created.


  1. Hi..
    Followed all the steps. However, if the CSV has NULL , tranformation raises an error. Please Help


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